Got Spider Veins? Tips For Choosing Medical Or Natural Treatment
If you have spider veins these can not only cause you pain, but also affect how you feel about yourself. Fortunately, there are many forms of treatments that will help take care of these problem. For example, you have the choice of getting medical treatment or natural treatment. Below is information about each of these so you can decide what you would like best.
Medical Treatment
There are two main medical treatments used to treat spider veins: laser surgery and sclerotherapy. With laser surgery, the doctor uses a device that shoots bursts of light into the affected vein. After a few sessions the spider veins will fade. This method is often used because it is much less invasive when compared to sclerotherapy. This makes it less painful for you and gives you a faster recovery time.
Sclerotherapy is a medical treatment that works well if you have a lot of spider veins. This procedure does not require anesthesia and your doctor can do this in their office. To do this, they inject each spider vein with a special solution that then closes each vein. Once the vein closes, the blood then reroutes to a healthier vein close by. In many cases, you will only need one injection in each spider vein. If your veins are very bad, however, you may have to return to the office for more injections.
You may still see some spider veins after these two treatments, but the veins will be very faded, which makes it difficult for other people to see.
Natural Treatment
Your plastic surgeon may suggest that you try treatments that are much more natural before you have the above treatments done. The doctor can prescribe you lotions to rub on the area where you have spider veins. This lotion sinks into your skin causing the blood in the vein to fade. This will take much longer to work when compared to the two treatments above, but you should wait it out just in case it will work for you. You will also find creams on the market, but they will not be as strong as the prescription strength lotions.
Another thing you can do is exercise. This will increase the blood flow in your body, which will then lessen inflammation caused by the spider veins. When sitting down, do not sit with your legs crossed or if you have to stand a lot make sure you move around every few minutes or so to keep the blood circulating. When you exercise this makes your heart beat better which makes it easier for your veins to pool your blood
Talk with a plastic surgeon, such as at Varicure Vein Center, about the two treatment options above, as well as the natural treatment. They can answer any questions you may about this information.